“From the Heart with Jill and Jackie” is a Zoom advice show where Jackie and Jill (Jennifer and Susan) give questionable parenting advice and try not to kill each other. We are a pair of moms dedicated to making moms look bad.
Jennifer Chan, Susan Kleinman
Marin, Calif. / Oakland, Calif.
Show type
From the Heart with Jill and Jackie will perform in the 10:05 p.m. EST block on Thursday, December 10, 2020.
Watch the show on Twitch: twitch.tv/countdownimprov
Performer bios

Susan Kleinman studied improv at BATS in San Francisco. In the early 2000s she was a member of the longform group The Frookies. Then she had kids and forgot about her own needs for a few years, re-emerging with a vengeance in 2019 to join Improv Marin, where she now performs most weekends. Susan would like to see more moms doing improv so she can ask them for advice and favors.

Jennifer Chan studied with BATS in the Paleolithic Era, dropped out, had kids and lost her mind. She found it again at Improv Marin in 2017 where she performs and teaches. Since March 2020, she’s been doing as much virtual improv as possible, performing with Improv Marin; No Pants Improv out of Austin; The Nursery, out of London; and Killer Kimchee, out of LA.